Monday, May 10, 2010

What's worse than running in a marathon?

I woke up before 6 in the morning so I can get ready for to vote. Unfortunately, no one in our family thought of transferring to the precinct that's nearer to where we currently live so we had to travel all the way to a different city just to vote. The traffic was not bad. Seriously, the only time I've travelled this fast from LP to MNL is during Holy Week where practically everyone is out of town.

Back to voting. So we arrived at the polling precinct and there were tons of people lined up already. The good thing was that we were given numbers for a more organized voting process. That, however, did not shorten the wait time to vote. So we arrived there around 8:30 A.M. We got to vote almost four hours later. I'm sure I will look like a zombie at work.

Wake up, inner blogger!

Well this is me enjoying a strawberry margarita in some restaurant I cannot remember. This was taken years ago... my hair has become more damaged since then. I've become more cynical too. Unfortunately, my level of procrastination has plateaued. Good news, I'm not overprocrastinating. Bad news, I'm still procrastinating.

Anyway, I'm trying to get my writing mojo back. I'm hoping that by starting a blog, I wouldn't forget the English stuff I learned in school.

I'm hoping I can blog more often too. Sometimes I start things, then just stop mid-way.